Father and his sons clearing a down tree from windstorm 2015 from the High Drive Bluff trails
Walking down to the farm, using the High Drive Bluff trails, I passed a father and his two young sons walking up the bluff trail with a chain saw. “What are you doing with that?” I asked. “Oh, I’m just clearing a pine tree that fell across the trail, I want to make it accessible to everyone again.”
This spirit of just taking care of it is what I’ve been noticing all around me. People clearing trails, by themselves or with organizations. People picking up garbage, people taking action and makingĀ a difference, without accolades, or needing notice or praise of any particular kind.
I thanked my neighbor, asked him if I could take his picture, (I neglected to ask their names!) and finished my walk down to the farm. Another beautiful day!
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